Friday, September 3, 2021

Where do I Start ?

I don' t ever like to think of myself as lost, more like misplaced for a while. Sometimes we just need to take a break, go within and find guidance. However in my case, I just purposely misplaced myself for six
 months and thought to myself, I will get back to you when I feel ready too and I am glad I did. I needed to take a break from my reality from family, friends, third parties and my toxic ass twin flame. 

Yes, I have and know my twin flame. Some people think "Oh, you know your Twin Flame!?!?! That must be SOOOO  very romantic!!!" Actually I was singing that damn song " I Wish I Never Met Him at All". 

I have known my Twin Flame for thirty five years and he was best friend. We played, we fought. I threw rocks at him from far distances that landed in my mouth. He dropped kicked me once off a playground igloo once and called me fat! Wait I dropped him off a playground igloo for calling me fat! Even dated him for ten minutes for all his lemon Mumba's (candy like Starburst). We have known each other our entire life. Because of our history, it wasn't the baseline of having a romantic connection. 

We all know Ying and Yang together balances one another out. However what you may not know, Ying and Yang balances one another out once they are high vibrational in sync with one another. Just imagine someone who you are born to love, is the complete opposite of you, it's toxic. My twin flame was working in Low Vibration which means he was working in the shadows, darkness, negativity and what we call in the tarot world "working in devil energy. It was a long painful road traveled and I had to make a decision that was best for me and walk away from our connection. 

What was so painful about it, is he was best friend, a thirty five year friendship gone. After three years of end and out, lying, ghosting and broken promises. I had to walk away. Actual I believe I would have put up with it for a little while longer until one day he spoke to my son and told him he promise he will be there at his seventh birthday party and ghosted him. That is what did it for me. Fuck with my kid there is no going back from that. Don't make promises you can not keep. 

That broken promise to my child also save my sanity and was the beginning of my healing process. I was able to reflect and think about what I could have done differently. The red flags, there was so many red flags and I just accepted him as he was because we have history and the other extra bits I haven't discovered about myself yet as well held a huge part of it, in regards to my past emotional and mental abuse, I was already conditioned to this trauma bonding relationship behavior, it was normal to me. 

I have a friend in my life who I view as a mentor, I love how she always give me advice just straight to the point and no chasers. She is the reason why I am getting back into Blogging by sharing my experiences if life as a friend, mother, psychic (yes I said psychic), and victim to abuse. 

Feel free to make a connection as ask questions as well. I know this is a bit long and I will set time daily to make an entry and share.

Thank you for reading 

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